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AN INSPIRING START - In the early 1990s, structural changes in the cocoa market in Ghana prompted Nana Frimpong Abebrese to begin creating a farmer-owned company to help farmers sell their own cocoa. Nana was a visionary farmer representative and independent representative of COCOBOD (a Ghanaian government-controlled institution that fixes the buying price for cocoa in Ghana). With the support of Twin Trading, a fairtrade company aiming to support cocoa farmers, Nana and a group of other farmers found ways to ensure the net gains of the company would belong to farmers, farmers could be paid in cash, and fair trade premiums could be invested in social programs.
GOOD COCOA FARMER - To ensure more benefits for Cocoa farmers, a new co-operative of Coco farmers called Kuapa Kokoo is established on Fairtrade principles. The co-operative was named by Hannah, Nana Frimpong Abebrese's wife; Kuapa Kokoo means 'good cocoa farmer' in the local language of Twi. The co-op's mission has the welfare of its farmers members at its heart and aims to empower them in their efforts to gain a dignified livelihood. With support from NGOs like Twin trading, and SNV, Kuapa Kokoo initially starts with a membership of 2,000 farmers from 22 villages, and was soon certified to sell Fairtrade cocoa, which would bring them a social premium they could invest in their farms and communities.
PA PA PAA, THE BEST OF THE BEST - The farmers vote at their annual general meeting (AGM) to set up a chocolate company of their own in the UK. Instead of aiming for the niche market, the co-op decides to produce a mainstream Fairtrade chocolate bar to compete with other brands. Guava Kuapa Kokoo's motto is pa pa paa – which means 'the best of the best' in the local Twi language.
A BRAND NEW DAY - Twin trading and Kuapa Kokoo launch The Day Chocolate Company in the UK. It is named in memory of Richard Day, a key member member of the team at Twin which helped Kuapa Kokoo develop its organisation. The Day Chocolate Company receives enthusiastic support from the Body Shop, Comic Relief, Christian Aid and the Department for international Development in the UK. Kuapa initially owns 33% of the shares of the company.
IT'S LAUNCH DAY - The Day Chocolate Company launches its first chocolate bar. The brand name Divine is created, and the first bar is “Divine Fairtrade Milk Chocolate”. Several months later, the bar can be found on supermarket shelves across the UK.
BROADCASTING TO THE NATION - Divine invites two women farmers over from Kuapa Kokoo and they appear on national breakfast TV to tell the UK about their lives, the difference Fairtrade makes – and to promote their own chocolate – Divine. Since then Kuapa farmers have come to the UK each year for Fairtrade Fortnight and have been given the platform to talk to diverse audiences from school children to MPs, and since also travelled around the world to tell their story.
A HISTORIC MOMENT - In 2006, Divine Chocolate turns a profit for the first time. As a result, Sandy Balfour, the then chairman of Divine, is able to handover the first dividend cheque to Kuapa Kokoo its Annual General Meeting in 2007. It was a great moment in chocolate history and a big step towards achieving Divine’s mission.
A DIVINE DONATION - One of the original Day Chocolate founders, the Body Shop, donates its shares in the company to the members of Kuapa Kokoo, after being bought by L’Oreal. This donation gives the farmers' cooperative an even bigger stake: 45% of the company.
EVEN MORE DIVINE - Day Chocolate changes its name to Divine Chocolate Ltd to more closely align the company with the flagship brand.
COMFORT AT THE WHITE HOUSE - Divine Chocolate launches in the United States. This is made possible due to the backing of the newest partner, Oikocredit. The announcement is made by Kuapa Kokoo farmer Comfort Kumeah on Valentine’s Day at a White House briefing on Capitol Hill. It serves as the perfect moment to introduce chocolate lovers in the United States to “heavenly chocolate with a heart”. Comfort commented, “what an extraordinary example for other cocoa farming women”.
EMPOWERING WOMEN - Kuapa Kokoo elects its first woman president. A great testament to all the work Divine and Kuapa Kokoo have done together to ensure women farmers are empowered and have a greater say in their co-op and communities.
WE SAY NO TO PALM OIL - Divine brings out the first caramel-filled chocolate bar with no palm oil - and delicious it is too. It was the starting point of Divine’s decision to stop using palm oil in any other products – better for the forest, better for wildlife and better for you!
DIVINE BECOMES A B CORP - Divine is audited and certified as a B Corporation – joining the growing movement of thousands of companies worldwide who are signed up to use business as a force for good.
A SWEDISH MOVE - Divine Chocolate acquires Swedish Fairtrade company House of Fairtrade. House of Fairtrade sells a range of Fairtrade handicrafts supporting artisan producers across the world and has distributed Divine Chocolate in Sweden for the last 15 years. The move enables both companies to continue supporting Fairtrade producers and World Fairtrade Organization (WFTO) artisan members around the world.
CHOCOLATE ISLAND - Divine Chocolate UK launches a new range of delicious high cocoa Organic and Fairtrade certified dark chocolate bars with specially sourced cocoa from São Tomé, a small island off the West Coast of Africa. Divine is excited to be working with CECAQ–11 cooperative, made up of 1135 members across 20 village associations. Once the world’s biggest exporter of cocoa, São Tomé is fondly known as the ‘Chocolate Island’.
CELEBRATING 20 YEARS - Divine Chocolate officially celebrates 20 years of championing cocoa farmers!
DOING DESSERT DIFFERENTLY - Divine launches its Dessert Bar range - a fuss-free approach to after-dinner sweet treats inspired by the flavours of popular puddings, including Tiramisu, Cherry & Almond Bakewell and Lemon Cheesecake.

Doing Business Differently
Divine Chocolate is proud to continue the groundbreaking and visionary work of Nana Frimpong Abebrese and the Kuapo Kokoo cooperative to create the first farmer-owned Fairtrade chocolate company, empowering farmers to invest in their communities and fostering direct connections between consumers and the people behind each bar. Today, Divine Chocolate remains committed to sustainable and ethical practices, exemplifying the positive impact of fair trade on a global scale.